Mouse mechanism diagram


Week 1: August 28

In Class: Introductions, Review Syllabus, Electricity Overview

For Next week: Lab 1: First Circuit, Download Arduino IDE, Review suggested materials, Set up blog & add your url to the class blog doc.

Week 2: September 4

In Class: Components, Schematic Diagrams, Digital I/O

For Next week: Lab 2: Input Output, Electricity take-home quiz

Week 3: September 11

In Class: Variables + Analog Input and Sensing + PWM Analog Output

For Next week: Lab 3: On Off and In Between

Week 4: September 18

In Class: Introduction to P5.js

For Next week: Lab 4: Drawing & Animation

Week 5: September 25

In Class: Conditionals, loops, interfaces

For Next week: Lab 5: Screen-based Interaction

Week 6: October 2

In Class: Functions, objects, and Arduino to P5

For Next week: Midterm/Lab 6: Bits & Bytes: Computers Talking to Computers. Create a physical interface that changes something in a P5 sketch.

NO CLASS: October 9th & October 16

Work on midterm

Week 7: October 23

In Class: Present midterm projects, Analog output

For Next week: Digital & Analog sensor take-home quiz, Introduction to debugging videos (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)

Week 8: October 30

In Class: Motors & transistors for high current loads

For Next week: Lab 7: Motors

Week 9: November 6

In Class: Serial write from P5 to Arduino, Timers + Booleans

For Next week: Lab 8: P5 to Arduino: Create an interactive system where changes in a P5 sketch result in physical change.

Week 10: November 13

In Class: Classes, video, image, & sound

For Next week: Final project proposals: Create a blog post that describes your idea, explains how viewers will interact with the piece, and contextualizes your project with references to other work. Include a rough plan for how you will complete the project, including materials, and anything left to learn. A formal presentation is not required but feel free to create one if it's a useful visual aid.

Week 11: November 20

In Class: Final proposals: workshop to create system diagrams and a bill of materials

For Next week: Work on final

Week 12: November 27: Cancelled!

For Next week: Schedule a meeting with me for 12/3/2019 & Work on final

Week 13: December 4

In Class: In-class workshop: Electrical connections, enclosures, beyond serial, special topics

For Next week: Work on final prototypes & consider areas where you want classmate feedback

Week 14: December 11

In Class: Present prototypes, interaction playtesting

For Next week: Work on finals, complete documentation

Week 15: December 18

In Class: Final Project Presentations